
Special issues and recommended Journals

Journal: IMA Journal of Management Mathematics
Special Issue on Advancing Operational Research with Artificial Intelligence: New Frontiers in Modelling and Simulation with Data-driven Learning

Masoud Fakhimi, University of Surrey, UK
Alison Harper, University of Exeter Business School, UK
Navonil Mustafee, University of Exeter Business School, UK

CLICK HERE​ for details and submissions 
Journal: IMA Journal of Management Mathematics

Ali Emrouznejad
CLICK HERE​ for details and submissions 
Journal: Machine Learning with Applications  
Special Issue on Revolutionising Search Experience: Intelligent Search Engines Powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Guest Editors:
Ali Emrouznejad, Vincent Charles
CLICK HERE​ for details and submissions 

Proceedings: Book titled “Advanced Data Analytics, Machine Learning and AI in Business” to be published by Springer ( Scopus Indexed)

The proceedings book for the ICBAP 2025 conference will be published by Springer as part of the Lecture Notes in Operations Research series. This series is indexed by Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), zbMATH and has been accepted by Scopus. If you would like to have your article included, please follow the instructions below to prepare your full paper and submit it to us by July 31,2025.

Title of the book:
Advanced Data Analytics, Machine Learning and AI in Business

Ali Emrouznejad, Sotirios Bersimis, and Dimitrios A. Georgakellos
To ensure consistency and facilitate the review process, we kindly request that you prepare your manuscript using the following template.

Word Template
LaTeX Package
Please note that the length of your full paper should not exceed 15 pages, including tables, figures, appendices, and references.  We kindly request that you adhere to this page limit to ensure that all submissions receive fair consideration.​